By becoming a member of the Geo-Institute...
- you support and advance your profession
- you receive a bi-monthly eUpdate with Institute news
- you receive 6 issues of GEOSTRATA magazine every year, with access to our online issue archive
- you receive member discounts to G-I events, products, and services, including GeoCongress; books and journals; and continuing education programs
- you have access to a prestigious awards program for you to help your colleagues gain professional recognition
- you have access to numerous networking opportunities to exchange ideas and sharpen your skills
Who Can Join the Geo-Institute?
Membership is open to individuals and organizations engaged in geoprofessional research, education, design, testing, manufacturing, construction, operations, and maintenance.
What Kinds of Membership Does the Geo-Institute Offer?
There are four categories of Geo-Institute membership:
- ASCE Member with Geo-Institute selected as a primary—or an additional—Institute
- Individual Geo-Institute-Only member
- Student member (ASCE/ G-I)
- Organizational member
How much are Geo-Institute Dues?
- If you're already an ASCE member, selecting the Geo-Institute as your primary institute membership is free.
- If you're already an ASCE member, and a member of another Institute, you can add the Geo-Institute to your membership for only an additional $30/year.
- Dues for a one-year Individual Geo-Institute membership are $130/year.
- ASCE/ G-I Student membership — with documentation of status as a full-time student — is free.
- Organizational Membership dues are $2000/year.
How Do I Join the Geo-Institute?
Individual Membership
- If you are already an ASCE member, sign in and choose "Select Institutes and Make Contributions" to add the Geo-Institute to your membership. You do not need to complete an application to the G-I.
- If you are joining ASCE for the first time, choose the Geo-Institute as your Primary Institute of Interest.
- If you are not an ASCE member, and wish to join only the Geo-Institute, complete the Online Application.
- You may also call ASCE Customer service at 800.548.2723 or send an email.
Student Membership
- If you are already a Student member of ASCE, sign in to your account and choose "Select Institutes and Make Contributions" to add the Geo-Institute to your membership. You do not need to complete an application to the G-I.
- If you wish to become a Student member of ASCE and the Geo-Institute, please apply online and choose the Geo-Institute as your Primary Institute of Interest. Student membership in ASCE is free.
- You may also call ASCE Customer service at 800.548.2723 or send an email.
Organizational Membership
Your entire organization can support the G-I! Become an Organizational Member today. Learn more about the benefits, how to join, and see who's already an OM!