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Development of the DIGGS schema is on GitHub at

GitHub is an online platform for code development. It uses the open-source version control system Git. Many open-source projects use GitHub.


Example files are also located on GitHub.


pydiggs is a Python library for validating DIGGS xml files against the DIGGS schema.
Development site:
Package index:

You can also watch a video demonstration of pydiggs.


The DFI funded Rock Grouting Schema development project held two workshops in early September 2020.  As a part of this effort, background training was provided to all attendees.  These are good overview presentations of the inner workings of the DIGGS schema and can be viewed on this GitHub page.


Detailed documentation of the entire schema is available on GitHub

There you will find a listing of all the elements that can be used within the DIGGS schema. For example, the documentation for a borehole element is partially shown below.

DiGGS borehole element documentation example

Documentation from version 2.0.a is at the following link: