There are four GeoChallenge Competitions in which students are invited to participate each year at the annual conference. They are: GeoWall, GeoPrediction, GeoPoster, and GeoVideo. GeoChallenge participants are eligible for travel grants in accordance with the published rules for each event.
The objective of the GeoWall competition is to design and build a model mechanically stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall using paper reinforcement taped to a posterboard wall facing. The design should strive to need the least amount of reinforcement to support the retained soil and design loads.
The objective of the GeoPrediction competition is to develop an accurate prediction of geotechnical behavior given detailed information regarding subsurface, boundary, and initial conditions, as well as the geotechnical/structural/hydraulic loading. This competition may involve using geotechnical software, empirical correlations, or developing a simple computer code for making this prediction.
For each year’s competition, the subject of the posters should focus on topics germane to the theme of the annual congress.Some examples of acceptable poster topics include senior design projects, design class projects, or student research experiences. Posters should present original work by the student(s) but may contain content based upon work conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
The objective of the GeoVideo competition is to develop short videos explaining various geotechnical concepts that could be used in classrooms at various levels (elementary school through college) and by the lay person to understand geotechnical principles.
GeoChallenge Collaboration Website
Event rules, discussions and files can be found on the GeoChallenge collaboration website located on the GeoWorld website.