We are pleased to share the call for abstracts of the Fourth International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG 2025).
The CPEG symposium is a regular event organized with the support of the ISSMGE TC215 technical committee. The first edition was held in Turin in 2013, followed by the second edition in Leeds, the United Kingdom, in 2017. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the third edition took place online in October 2021, organized by the Japanese Geotechnical Society and Kyoto University.
The upcoming fourth edition will be hosted at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado (USA) on September 10th and 11th, 2025. It will be jointly organized by Colorado State University and University of Wisconsin-Madison. The symposium will be chaired by Craig Benson, Joe Scalia, and Chuck Shackelford.
This symposium presents a valuable opportunity for networking and discussion on coupled phenomena in environmental geotechnics (e.g., chemical-physical, bio-physical, multiphase flow, etc.) - focusing on our current status and future directions.
The deadline for the abstract submission is February 14, 2025. Please note that this deadline will not be extended. Abstracts should be 200-300 words long. Instructions for submission can be found at the following CPEG 2025 website: https://www.cpeg2025.org/
Acceptance for oral presentations will be provided with abstract acceptance. The corresponding authors of accepted abstracts will receive further instructions for full manuscript submission. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and published open-access with individual DOI numbers.
Please help disseminate this information within your network and forward the call for abstracts to anyone who may be interested.