GeoenvironMeet 2024, under the auspices of the American Society of Civil Engineers' Geo-Institute (ASCE-GI) and its Geoenvironmental Engineering Technical Committee (GEC), will be held in Portland OR, USA, from September 8 to 11, 2024. This is the 5th of the premier specialty conference series in geoenvironmental engineering held every eight years, following the successful experience of the last of the series, GeoChicago 2016.
Please save dates and spread the word to your network across the globe to mark their calendars. Also, stay tuned as, soon, the website will go live and calls for session proposals and abstracts will be sent out.
The conference theme “Geoenvironmental Impacts of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resilience” will give a venue to bring together international academic and industry experts and leaders within the field of geoenvironmental engineering to discuss advances in the-state-of-the-art and the-state-the-practice in an effort to search for solutions to a wide range of grand challenges due the changing climate and impacts on the soil environment. Topics include but are not limited to impacts of climate change, resilience & sustainability, contamination, natural & manmade hazards, sensing, detection, and characterization.