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Codes and Standards

The Geo-Institute of ASCE (G-I) monitors or participates in the International Building Code, other ASCE institute standards, and ASTM International standards.  Several different groups have been established to work on these matters.

  • The Professional Practice Committee identifies he need for codes, standards, and guidance documents pertaining to the practice of geotechnology, and prepares and/or cooperates with other professional and corporate entities in preparing appropriate codes, standards, and guidelines.
  • Data Interchange for Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Specialists (DIGGS) – Interested in developing a standard data transfer protocol for sharing of geotechnical data? Find out about the Data Interchange for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (DIGGS) Standard project at
  • Standard of Care Guidance – Purpose:  To develop a guidance document that defines a process for evaluation of elements of the “Standard of Care” in an objective manner.
  • Compaction Grouting Guideline – Purpose: To develop a consensus guide for compaction grouting, focused specifically on applications where compaction of the soil is a primary element of the foundation improvement.
  • Design of Residential Structures on Expansive Soil Standards Standard – Purpose: To develop standards for design of Residential Structures on Expansive Soils.
  • Pile Foundations Standards – Purpose: To develop, maintain, and improve standards for design and construction of pile foundations to replace the provision of the old ANSI A56 standard written in 1952.
  • Living With Shrink/Swell Soils – A Homeowners’ Guide to Maintenance of Shallow Foundations